Monday 4 February 2013

Welcome to Hogwarts!!!

“We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.”

Isn’t that the sentence that we were all waiting to read on the letter that we received by owl when we were eleven years old? Scratch that, I’m still waiting for this letter at the age of twenty-one! Seeing as it is now very unlike that Hogwarts wants me as a student (probably because I possess no magical blood whatsoever, or maybe I’m a squib and they are just discriminating against me), I thought that it would be a brilliant idea to explore the food that is present in this magical world. Obviously not forgetting that I’m a huge fan of the Harry Potter books and films, and because I LOVE food. (Just as much as Ron!)

My journey will delve into the exciting world of Hogwarts, Hogsmede, the magical families’ homes, and much more, and will bring to light the fascinating and incredibly different foods than what we have here in the less magical, muggle world. I’m also going to attempt to make some of the recipes of the popular foods in the series, and, of course, share them with you.

During the Christmas holidays, I went to the Warner Bros. Studios tour for all that they are willing to share about the secrets of the Harry Potter film series. It was a brilliant experience. It added to the magic of the films, rather than take away from them. It just made me love the books and films even more. I’ll be sharing some of the experiences from that adventure.

So, if you love food and if you love the Harry Potter series, come back here for some exciting bitesize treats. Hopefully, you’re as excited as I am excited!

I'm going to leave you with the scene where Harry and his fellow students (not forgetting us viewers) are first shown the Great Hall, a pivotal location where many events take place including all the meal times.

Speak soon,
Manpreet :)

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